The first week in August, I spent some time in Byron/Rockford, Ill., to visit with my wonderful in-law family and attend my good friend Izzy's wedding. Little did I know until a few weeks before that we would get to celebrate this little boy as well!
A HUGE thank-you to my mother-in-law Marilyn, best friend Amanda, and sister-in-law Courtney for all their time and hard work to plan and arrange a baby shower for our little man. It was a wonderful afternoon with the sweetest women of Byron and Valley Covenant Church.
Dan and I have always said that we are blessed to have the support back here in the US to do what we do overseas. That was never more evident than when I was surrounded by the love and happiness of this group of women. There is something so special about being among other women and mothers during this time of change and uncertainty. The support and love that is shared through stories and advice is what will keep me and Dan going as we start this new chapter of our lives.
Thank you to everyone that attended and provided a gift for Luke. We will think of each and every one of your when we use them.